I've started looking on Ebay this week. (Thanks Joni!) LOL I think I've been pretty picky about what I am bidding on. Looking at the bid price + the shipping total = "would I pay that at the store?" (Again, thanks for the tip Joni!) ;)
So I have made a few purchases tonight and now I have to stop looking... But I decided I like this Shop From Home thing.... as long as I ONLY shop for what we need. THAT'S THE HARD PART!!! There is the CUTEST pair of cherry print skimmers that I want like no tomorrow. I don't need them. I have a perfectly fine pair of black and red casual shoes.... and I DID just buy a fabulous (impluse purchase) RED purse on Saturday... But I WANT THESE SHOES!!!!!!!!
Ebay is a dangerous place I've decided. I think I'm going to have to limit myself ... only what we need.... and only one peek-session a week.... moderation in all things... Thou Shalt Not Covet (thy neighbors' cute footwear)...
Ok... ok... I x'd out of Ebay... but I got some CUTE little buys!!!! Yay Me!!!!! Take a look!
SO CUTE! These will go great with DD1's plaid pants and skirt!
I couldn't bear to lose these, so I skipped bidding and paid the $10.00 Buy Now price. TOTAL:$16.00
A Two-fer! These are great for DD2's first grade wardrobe! Bid:$4.00 Shipping:$8.25 TOTAL:$12.25
The best deal I got tonight! DD1 is going to be so stylish! LOL Bid:$0.99 Shipping:$6.95
TOTAL: $7.95!!!
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