Today is the day where we all get to visit tons of great sites and learn a little about these ladies we blog-stalk and what makes them tick!!! What fun, right?!

Today's inspiration is Most Embarrassing Moment. (dun-dun-dun, as Itty-Bitty would say) So... I have to rack my brain... I really don't have any extremely mortifying moments that haunt me - honestly. But, that is quite possibly because I have done so many crazy and idiotic things in my life that I just have a bit of a "Oh-yeah...what's-new" attitude to embarrassing things! :-D
Here's one I came up with ... Picture me - a not-so-small, single mom with a VERY rambunctous 3yo son. Picture us all dressed up for Church. Picture him throwing a HUGE TANTRUM in the middle of Sacrament meeting - throwing crayons, climbing on the chairs, scrambling away from my grasp. You see where this is going, don't you? Yeah. I grab the little
Have a great Friday!